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PhD Position for International Students

The specific research areas are as follows:

1. DFT simulation of atomic layer deposition process and precursor

2. DFT/MD simulation of atomic layer etching process

3. FEM simulation of wafer bonding process

<Eligibility Requirements>

   Master's degree in chemistry, materials science, mechanics, or related majors

   Skills required for eligibility:

  • Proficiency in English, both written and oral.

  • Understanding of metal-organic compounds or surface chemistry (research areas #1 and #2)

  • Understanding of mechanics and materials (research area #3)

   Preferred/optional skills:

  • Research experience in DFT or MD or FEM.

  • Publications in international scientific journals.

  • Experience in thin film research - preparation and characterization of thin films


우리연구실에 관심있으면 이메일로 면담 신청하세요 (

분야: ALD 실험, ALE 실험, DFT simulation, FEM simulation, XPS analysis 등

전공: 신소재, 화학, 물리, 기계, 전자 관련학과

대학원생: 석박통합 또는 박사과정 우선 선발

인턴연구원: 대학원 진학(학석통합 포함) 예정인 학부생 선발

연구보조원: 학부생(휴학생 포함), 취준생 가능. 측정 및 실험의 보조

© 2018 by Semiconductor Materials Lab, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

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